Our Courses
19 types of competence based (Food Safety Supervisor) certification programmes and one Awareness course on Covid19 Guidelines for Food Industry are available under FoSTaC.
Duration of FSS courses is of 4 to 12 hours spreading over 1 to 2 days and awareness course is of 2 hours. Courses have been developed by domain experts and vetted by expert committee of FSSAI.
The training materials under each course are based on General Hygiene & Sanitary requirements and Good Manufacturing Practices as detailed under schedule 4 of FSS (Licensing and Registration of Food Business)
Regulation, 2011. The courses have been divided into following 3 levels
Basic level certification are meant for petty food business. Duration of each basic course is of 4 hours. Course are: - Street Food Vending, Catering, Manufacturing, Storage & Transport and Retail & Distribution
Advanced courses and certification are for State & Central Licensed food business. Duration of each course is of 8 hours. Course are: - Catering, Manufacturing / Processing, Storage & Transport and Retail & Distribution
Special course have been developed for high risk food business or The food business which require special attention. Duration of special course isof 8-12 hours. Spread over 1-2 days. Course are: - Milk & Milk Products, Animal Meat & Meat Products, Poultry Meat & Meat Products, Fish & Fish Products, Packaged Water & Water Based Beverages, Bakery (Level 1), Bakery (Level 2), Edible Oil and Fat, Health Supplements & Nutraceuticals
Contact us
General Queries on FoSTaC
Email at: fostac@fssai.gov.in
Submission of Training Partner's Empanelment form
Email at: tp.fostac@fssai.gov.in
Submission of Trainer/Assessor resume
Email at: tr.fostac@fssai.gov.in